The Information Searching Lifecycle

Now that you have a good understanding of your task and your topic, it's time to begin looking for new information.

The Information Searching Lifecycle (watch the video below) shows the steps involved to maximise your efficiency and effectiveness in searching for new information.

  1. Identify your topic keywords.
  2. Build your search strategy.
  3. Choose the right tool(s) for what you are wanting to find.
  4. Run your search and evaluate your results.
  5. Repeat step 4 as necessary, evaluating your results and then refining and adapting your search strategy.
  6. Read and take notes.

Repeat the cycle as required in as many different tools as needed while growing and adapting your search strategy based on your results, notes from your reading and what you learn about your topic.

As we move through 'Module 2: Find' and 'Module 3: Evaluate' you will see how to complete each step in more detail.